"Sincerity of heart, that is the real capital. If it is found anywhere, the Guru, Krsna, will always be on his side.

"What you expected, what you got from your Prabhupada, that is something more than wonderful. It is generally, cant be expected in a human form. So I told that saktyavesa. Some divine power came to work in his favour. It is not humanly possible. But still such quality must be found to, at least to a certain extend in a genuine way, that we can expect. Only in one generation that will be mutilated, that should not be possible.


A parallel institution will grow out. If it is not an institution, but there will be so many scattered guru’s and acharyas. It cannot but be. If they are not accommodating then many gurus will.. in a disorganized way. And any other centre is established to harmonize them, without seeking any power but only for propagation. For the good, meaning to propagate the cause of Swami Maharaj. It cannot but be. So many sincere souls that are ousted, they will try in their mild way, how to go on. In this way, many will go. And ultimately that may be the Divine Will, that that process it may extend in a more spacious way for us. It is all for the best. Let us think from that line. The Divine dispensation. We may have grievance until and unless one thing happens. But when it happens we have to take it as His dispensation. And then another branch will spring, will grow.


Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. The thesis and the antithesis. And then again synthesis in this way. The process of development in the world, going on. So some antithesis is going to spring up. Gaura Hari bol. Gaura Hari Gaura Hari. You, dissatisfied, you meet together and try to form a body and to go on in the line of Swami Maharaj as you can think within your best. And not to be silent or inactive. As much as we know, as much as we have got from him, with so small capital, we shall go on. Whatever, but sincerity of heart. Sincerity of heart, that is the real capital. If it is found anywhere, the Guru, Krsna, will always be on his side.


Sarala haile gorara siksa bujhiya laibe
Na hi kalyana-krta kascid durgatim


Sincere aspiration, sincere hankering. The conscience that took me to that great messiah, Swami Maharaj, I cannot neglect that inner voice of mine. That guide. I shall do accordingly. I should rely on my inner tendency that took me to Swami Maharaj, leaving so many things aside. So according to dictation of my sincere heart, I shall go on. Go on. Ahaituky apratihata. That is causeless and that is irresistible. None can control. That particle is within us, that is bhakti. That is causeless. That means that has got no ulterior motive. That is innate. Innate. Ever, the eternal flow of the plane. It is a particle, an element of that substance. And apratihata, none can oppose."


Hare Krsna. Gaura Hari Gaura Hari

Transcription of talk given by Śrīla Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣaka Śrīdhara Gosvāmī Mahārāja


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