Surrender To The Absolute Will

Only complete unconditional surrender to the Lotus Feet of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna can bestow on us eternal peace. This world is not the place of peace. Nobody can get peace with material egos and material desires. If we want peace, we are to transcend this material realm. Whatever is done by the will of the Supreme Lord, Who is All-Good, is for the eternal benefit of all. We reap the fruits of our own actions. It is wrong to blame others for our own suffering. They may be instrumental, but they are not the cause. We should not be perturbed under any circumstance and give up bhajan in our short duration of stay in this transitory world. A completely surrendered soul is always protected and maintained by Sri Krishna. There is no cause of anxiety for him. He remains calm under all circumstances. We are controlled by Absolute Will. We cannot do anything against His Will. If He wishes anything, nobody can obstruct it.

- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj


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