29. "The devotees are first class yogis, but they care very little for emancipation. They do not require these things. A devotee would be more happy to abide by the decision of the Providence instead of throwing off the troublous situation he has been put into."


Q: What do you think of the yogis?

A: We do not subscribe to the principle of yoga. The yogis think that they should have some-thing for their own. They have no eternal purpose. The Indian yogis think that when they come in touch with the Absolute, they will be restored to their position and they will have nothing to do later on. They simply want emancipation from all troubles. The yogi thinks that when his duties are finished he will be able to pass his time in indulgence. So indulgence is the careful object of a yogi. And for this they strive for emancipation from the bonds of karma.

The devotees are first class yogis, but they care very little for emancipation. They do not require these things. A devotee would be more happy to abide by the decision of the Providence instead of throwing off the troublous situation he has been put into. The yogis are inclined to have their passionate desires satisfied, they require peace for themselves. They do not want to engage themselves in the service of the Lord, but they try to get something for their own.

If a yogi is at all successful in his endeavours to come in contact with the Absolute, He shows his stony aspect at that time. The yogis think that God should be represented as a neuter thing, that no idea of sexology should disturb their minds. The yogis want to reach kaivalya or "Iswarsajujya" and "Brahma-sajujya". They want to be made God like the slave "Altamas" who usurped the throne of his master. These are wrong ideas. The yogis are never successful in their attempts and we should not adopt the principles of a yogi. In paradise all sorts of enjoyment are supplied. But who is the enjoyer? He is a poor man who has got all sorts of bitter experience in this world.

- by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura Prabhupāda

Source: https://www.bvmlu.org/SBSST/tata.html


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