31. "Go on chanting the Nama, constantly repeat the Transcendental Nomenclature, and you will find that energy is being injected into you. But this Nama should come to you from a good source, from a transcendental source, and not from any mundane source."

This world is a perverted reflection of the original which is our real home. Instead of passing our time here, we want to go back to our eternal abode. We are now very busy to have pleasant sensations through our senses from the phenomenal objects. We should make it a point of eradicating the root cause which has brought us to this world of delusion, apparent pleasures, miseries and troubles. It is the mind. Mind is the root of all evils and the root of all pleasure-seeking inclinations. 

So the mind should be killed first i.e., it should not be allowed to take initiative in anything. Now the mind is controlling our senses and the soul is lying in a dormant condition. The soul has delegated its power of transacting with the external world to the mind, and the mind has five ministers to help in the administration of the phenomenal world. But the mind is not a dutiful agent of the soul. It always tries to injure the interest of the soul. The soul has come down here and, while doing so, it has incorporated two envelopes, one subtle and the other gross. But the soul is now in a drowsy condition. It cannot exactly compel the mind to look to its interest. 

At this crisis, the ever-merciful Lord Sree Krishna sends his messengers with the Transcendental Sound. This Transcendental Sound is received though the ears. The Transcendental Sound is meant to regulate the five senses which are engaged in a wrong way to foster the cause of the mind and to injure the cause of the eternal soul. So aural reception is the first thing we should seek from the Agent, the deputed Messenger from the transcendental plane. The Transcendental Sound is transmitted through the lips of the Messenger in the shape of Mantra and in the shape of Nama. The very Name or the Nomenclature of the Transcendence can regulate the senses. 

"Go on chanting the Nama, constantly repeat the Transcendental Nomenclature, and you will find that energy is being injected into you. But this Nama should come to you from a good source, from a transcendental source, and not from any mundane source." The name should not be confused with the other sounds of this world. The Transcendental Sound regulates the senses and does not submit to the senses for scrutiny. When the Supreme Lord met Sree Rupa at Allahabad, He first of all transmitted something into the entity of Sree Rupa which empowered him to receive the Transcendental Sounds from Him, and then He imparted those Transcendental Sounds to Sree Rupa with all explanations.

- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada

Source: https://www.bvmlu.org/SBSST/dota.html


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